Envisions Peregrination (2010) 653” HD digital video, Super 8.

Created at three locations used in Andrei Tarkovsky's 'Nostalghia' (1983) in Super 8 and digital video, I attempted to re-film several key scenes of his film from memory, while walking alone from Siena to Rome along the old pilgrimage route of the Via Francigena. A journey can provide a new light through which to examine memories of home and past incidents. Likewise, what is directly in front of the eyes while in distant lands is rarely seen afresh by our mind, informed as it is by previously absorbed visions from photography and film.

This is a fairly linear representation of what will be displayed as part of a multi-screen installation.

This was part of a 'Wilhelmina Barns-Graham Trust - Travel to Italy Award 2010' funded project.