Glimpse of the Matter (2010) extract         more info

Envisions Peregrination

(2011) 6’53”                                               more info

they could not have known

what they’d eaten (2012) 13’10”                more info

Shift (2013) extract

Aspheric Light (2013) extract                    more info

Commissioned by the Korean Cultural Centre London for the exhibition Moon Jar Contemporary Translations in Britain.

a selection of video works                              

(other video works can be seen here)

Inflicting Balance (2010) 9’29”                   more info

Cycle (2009) 4’45”                                     more info

Cast (2014) extract

3’40” of 19’37”

Mudlark/Spirit (2014) 2’48”

Dark Glass (2014) extract

1’30” of 7’33”

Created in response to a call to collaborate with the UCL Art Museum for the exhibition Second Person Looking Out, taking inspiration from works by Claude Lorrain, produced using a black mirror, filmed at the site of the house of another black mirror user, in Mortlake, on the Thames.

Crossing (2014)

2’ 25”